Custom ignition control system

Recently we delivered many complete Altronic ignition systems, which has given great added value compared to the original components.

We are very happy that our customers can’t wait to receive more of our solutions for their MAN® 26 and 32 series gas engines!

All the components required for ignition control systems are available at Hatraco; electronic ignition modules, ignition coils, sensors and (pre-wired) cables up to many different industrial spark plugs.

Each system can be custom made to fit virtually any gas engine in power generation or as compressor driver.

Hatraco is the authorized distributor for over 30 years in Europe of Altronic LLC, the worldwide leading manufacturer in this branch.

Altronic ignition systems also include special versions for ATEX explosion endangered or other hazardous areas. We also keep stock and provide testing and repair service.